Health Master Trainers Retreat
Health Master Trainers Retreat at Occasion Hotel Lakka Freetown 28 January 2020. The objective of the retreat is finalization of training materials planning for cascade of training to the districts.…
Law Reform Commission with collaboration with MoHS Consultative meetings with key stakeholder
Law Reform Commission with collaboration with MoHS Consultative meetings with key stakeholder commenced today on the on- going review of the public Health ordinance ,1960.Consultation covered on key issues emanated…
Just concluded Training of Trainers on Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) and Lassa Fever Surveillance and Infection, Prevention and Control for DSOs, and IPC focal
Just concluded Training of Trainers on Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) and Lassa Fever Surveillance and Infection, Prevention and Control for DSOs, and IPC focal persons at Family Kingdom…
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation today 27th January 2020 hold Emergency Preparedness Resilient Response Group (EPRRG) Meeting
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation today 27th January 2020 hold Emergency Preparedness Resilient Response Group (EPRRG) Meeting at Directorate of Health Security and Emergency office, EOC Building,…
GOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONE Ministry of Health and Sanitation PRESS RELEASE …
GOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONE Ministry of Health and Sanitation PRESS RELEASE …
Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin 2020 Week two (2)Final
Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin 2020W2Final