Yesterday, our team of community mobilizers met with teachers and pupils of the St Joseph Secondary, the Centennial Senior Secondary school and the Agricultural Vocational Secondary school in Mattru Jong Bonthe district the southern most district of Sierra Leone.
The meeting was meant to engage school authorities and pupils on the importance of taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
In Sierra Leone, vaccines are recommended for persons 18 and above. The National COVID-19 Emergency Response Centre (NaCOVERC) is bolstering its community engagement to improve the COVID-19 vaccine uptake.
“This engagement was timely,” says Rev Father Lappia a teacher at the Saint Jospeh’s Secondary school.
“Many of our pupils here are over age 18. They are now eligible to take their dose of the vaccine. Those who are willing to take vaccine will surely do so,” avers Rev Father Lappia.
On Tuesday and Monday next week, our team of mobile vaccinators will visit the above schools to administer the vaccine to the pupils and teachers.