These three women, madam Angela Sao Tucker, Mamie Kamara and Mariama Koroma are teachers, farmers and petty traders respectively from Barry chiefdom in Kenema district.
Today, they are united by one cause – to take the COVID-19 maklates and help spread the fact that maklates are safe and effective in preventing serious sickness or death from COVID-19.
“I’ve got my first dose today,” says madam Tucker. “It took me this long because I was afraid when I think about the rumors I’ve heard about what would happen to me. But here I am safe and sound.” She Emphasized.
The COVID-19 maklate is free. To make the maklate accessible and increase uptake, we have deployed our teams of 300 mobile vaccinators in all the 16 districts nationwide.
Check the nearest health clinic in your community and get your own free dose to protect yourself, family and community from serious sickness or death from COVDI-19 like these three women have done.
Remember, #coronafetnaweallfet